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Writer's pictureJOSEPH LEMUS

Discover Which Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Affect Your Health and May Not Relieve Pain

Every year, more than 16,000 Americans die as a result of the medications I am about to expose. This statistic does not include deaths in the rest of the world, nor the people whose health has been harmed. The living victims can share this denunciation, while the dead can no longer speak—I will speak for them.

Today, we expose one of the largest producers of diseases.

I received an email that said: "You don’t know who you’re dealing with." But I do know, and I will expose them with their full names.

Look at the statistics: every year, more than 16,000 Americans die as a result of the medications I am about to expose. This statistic does not include deaths in the rest of the world. And this is only those who die—they can no longer speak, so I will speak for them.

I am dealing with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). At the end of this exposé, I will provide alternatives by their generic names, not brands. I feel that without this information, the report would be incomplete.

According to reports from the National Library of Medicine and StatPearls, these medications include: Advil, Celebrex, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, among others. Actually, I shouldn't leave this report incomplete, so I will mention them all:

  • Diflunisal

  • Etodolac

  • Fenoprofen

  • Flurbiprofen

  • Ketoprofen

  • Ketorolac

  • Mefenamic Acid

  • Nabumetone

  • Oxaprozin

  • Piroxicam

  • Sulindac

  • Tolmetin

Some might say, "Doctor, aren’t you going to mention aspirin?" Well, I don’t have time today, but next Friday I will gladly inform you how they want to make you sick, because you are worth more sick than dead. The National Institutes of Health calls them by their true name: additives, toxins, and carcinogens.

Let’s analyze why people take these medications and why doctors prescribe them: to relieve persistent pain in the joints and muscles, such as neck, shoulder, knee, back, and hand pain, whether in the joints or muscles.

People who suffer from these pains take them despite the side effects, which I will detail in a few minutes, because their doctor tells them there is no cure. It’s not that there is no cure; the truth is they don’t know how to cure it or it’s not convenient for them to cure it.

Toxicity from taking these medications can manifest as gastrointestinal bleeding, hypertension, hepatotoxicity, and kidney damage. In the kidneys, for example, complications can include acute renal dysfunction, fluid and electrolyte disorders, renal papillary necrosis, and nephrotic syndrome-interstitial nephritis. An overdose can produce metabolic acidosis with seizures, coma, and acute renal failure.

In a patient with normal kidney conditions, these medications affect the production of prostaglandins. By reducing these levels, they inhibit their essential functions for renal arteriole vasodilation. In the digestive system, by inhibiting the creation of prostaglandins that protect the gastric mucosa, they cause greater harm to patients with a history of gastric ulcers.

These medications also increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, which may leave you alive but consuming more medications. Documented cases include myocardial infarction, thromboembolic events, and atrial fibrillation. Regarding the liver, although less common, there is a risk of hepatotoxicity, causing elevated levels of aminotransferases, a liver enzyme.

Finally, neurological toxicity can present with drowsiness, confusion, nystagmus, blurred vision, diplopia, headache, and tinnitus. In relation to the blood system, their damage is possible due to their antiplatelet activity. This effect is usually a problem if the patient has a history of gastrointestinal ulcers, diseases affecting platelet activity (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, etc.), and in some perioperative cases.

I am a critic of the food industry, focusing on toxic additives, environmental contamination, clean water, the unnecessary use of medications, and advocating for natural medicine to preserve our health. For professional ethics, I do not sell or promote any specific product related to my comments; I only provide information for you to review and learn.

With that said, here are the natural alternatives by their generic names:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Turmeric

  • Zinc

  • Green tea

  • Capsaicin

  • Cat's claw

Let me provide more details about each:

Omega-3 fatty acids: Found abundantly in fatty fish like salmon or tuna. They are one of the most potent anti-inflammatory supplements and can help combat various types of inflammation, including vascular inflammation, a significant risk factor for diseases and heart attacks. However, they may increase the risk of bleeding, so people with bleeding disorders and those taking anticoagulants should not use this supplement.

Turmeric: A plant in the ginger family. Multiple studies show it can help reduce inflammation in many chronic conditions, including arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriasis. However, it also increases the risk of bleeding in people taking anticoagulants and those with bleeding disorders.

Zinc: Some research suggests that zinc is a potent anti-inflammatory that can support the immune system and reduce various markers of inflammation. According to a 2017 article, zinc decreased inflammation and oxidative stress among older adults. Oxidative stress triggers inflammation and can increase the risk of various conditions, including cancer. Several studies have suggested that supplementing with zinc can reduce infection rates by about 66% among older participants.

Green tea: Doctors have long suspected that green tea can fight inflammation because people in regions that consume more green tea have lower rates of inflammation-related diseases. Research suggests that green tea can inhibit the production of certain inflammatory chemicals.

Capsaicin: The ingredient that gives hot peppers their heat. Substance P is a pain transmitter produced by the body. Capsaicin temporarily reduces substance P, thereby reducing the body’s ability to feel and transmit pain. It is usually available as a cream or topical patch.

Cat’s claw: Derived from several Uncaria plants. Research suggests that cat’s claw can reduce various forms of inflammation. Although generally safe, a previous case report suggests that it can cause kidney failure in people with lupus. It can also cause nausea.

Additionally, vitamins A, D, and E may have potent anti-inflammatory properties.

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Dr. Lemus is a critical reviewer of the food industry, he focuses on toxic additives, environmental pollution, clean water, and the unnecessary use of medical drugs, in favor of natural therapeutic methods.

He has extensive experience and training in various disciplines and modalities of natural medicine, including food science, nutritional biochemistry, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, herbalism, bioenergetics, acupuncture, iridology, colon health, and individual biochemistry with more than 45 years in clinical experience. He is the founder and creator of Lemus Natural Medicine, a unique individualized natural medicine modality that utilizes scientific and laboratory data.


If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at Lemus Natural Medicine where natural medicine is the official medicine!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purposes only. Some statements may not have been evaluated by the FDA. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your qualified healthcare provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.

Before taking vitamins, consult your healthcare provider, as pre-existing medical conditions, or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.

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Copyright © 2024 Dr. J. Michael Lemus All rights reserved.

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