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Writer's pictureJOSEPH LEMUS

Hypertension is a silent killer, and medications can have side effects. There are certain foods that can worsen this condition.

Natural medicine can help control hypertension, and there are natural remedies that have been historically used successfully for this condition. However, it's crucial to choose remedies carefully, as what may be medicine for one person could be poison for another.

In this modern era, we are exposed to refined eating habits, rich in fats and sodium, with little physical activity, overweight, alcohol consumption, and excessive intake.

These factors have triggered health problems, with hypertension being one of the most prominent. This condition, also known as high blood pressure, is characterized by an excessive force of blood against arterial walls, increasing the risk of severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Risk Factors:

Genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in hypertension. It is essential to be alert if there is a family history of high blood pressure and to take preventive measures. Additionally, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking are significant risk factors. Adopting an active lifestyle and a balanced diet can be key to preventing this condition. Chronic stress can also increase blood pressure, so it is important to manage it healthily. Obesity: Excess body weight puts additional pressure on the cardiovascular system, which can increase the risk of hypertension. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is fundamental to preventing this condition.

Foods to Avoid:

It is important to consider sensitivity to certain foods, as each individual is unique. Foods high in salt, such as pickles, olives, chips, processed meats, and fried foods, packaged snacks, red meats, especially ham, frankfurters, cold cuts, bacon, bologna, canned fish fillet, sardines in tomato sauce, dairy products, spicy foods, tomato sauce, black or white pepper, mustard, canned tomato juice, V-8 juice, processed cheeses, instant dry soups, frozen beans, MSG, mayonnaise, ketchup, foods containing preservatives like sodium benzoate, sodium propionate found in some cheeses and bread, baking powder, baking soda, ice cream, milkshakes, sodas, smoked meats and fish, gelatin, pretzels, chips, salted nuts, sweets, rennet tablets, pudding mixes, drink mixes, spicy foods, fried foods, fatty foods, pork should be avoided.

Similarly, alcohol can trigger hypertension in genetically sensitive individuals. Reducing the intake of sugar, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, maltose, caffeine, trans fats, and hydrogenated oils is also advisable. The interaction between grapefruit juice and certain medications can increase the risk of complications.

Personality Impact:

Your personality might be affecting you. Individuals with high energy activity, explosive temperaments, sensitivity to high temperatures, stress, grudges, bad temper, and anger, with fear, social or work pressure, might be affected emotionally or mentally.

Medications and Side Effects:

Prescription medications for hypertension can vary, but it is important to be aware of potential side effects. Diuretics can cause electrolyte imbalances, while ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers can cause dry cough and dizziness. Beta-blockers can cause fatigue and sleep disturbances.

Natural Remedies:

Natural medicine can help control hypertension; there are natural remedies that have historically been used successfully for this condition. Choose remedies carefully, as one person's medicine might be another's poison.

Consuming a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains, and limiting salt and sugar intake, can be beneficial. Consuming potassium-rich foods, such as watermelon, broccoli, and spinach, can help maintain proper blood pressure. Regular exercise, weight loss, quitting smoking, and reducing stress are also fundamental in managing hypertension.

Vegetable consumption will help produce more adequate blood pressure, reduce salt intake, and use vegetable or sea salt instead.

Avoid coffee, black tea, chocolate, and sodas. Eliminate sugar intake.

Add fiber to your diet by consuming more fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and oatmeal.

Drink between 16 and 32 oz of water a day, consume aromatic teas, and vegetable broths with plenty of onions and garlic.

Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes three times a week.

Lose weight; obesity is your worst enemy. Quit smoking.

Reduce stress. Do relaxation exercises for at least 10 minutes daily.

Breathe deeply, with breathing exercises for 10 minutes daily.

Essential fat deficiencies can be resolved by increasing fish oil, some vegetables, nuts, seeds, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, among others.

Fresh Juices:

I have prepared a list of six juice combinations; when mixing, keep in mind not to add anything else to the ones on the same line, as combining them creates different chemistry. Divide into similar portions. These juices should be drunk slowly, salivating each sip as if you were chewing it, and wait at least half an hour before drinking water or eating food.

  • Carrot, parsley, and celery

  • Carrot, spinach, parsley, and beetroot

  • Celery with green apple

  • Watermelon

  • Carrot with beetroot and cucumber

  • Carrot with spinach


Hypertension is a serious condition that requires attention and care. By understanding risk factors, avoiding certain foods, knowing the side effects of medications, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, we can control and prevent this disease. It is important to seek professional guidance, preferably from Lemus Natural Medicine, and follow an appropriate treatment plan for each individual. Remember that our health is our greatest treasure and deserves to be protected with diligence and commitment.

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Dr. Lemus is a critical reviewer of the food industry, he focuses on toxic additives, environmental pollution, clean water, and the unnecessary use of medical drugs, in favor of natural therapeutic methods.

He has extensive experience and training in various disciplines and modalities of natural medicine, including food science, nutritional biochemistry, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, herbalism, bioenergetics, acupuncture, iridology, colon health, and individual biochemistry with more than 45 years in clinical experience. He is the founder and creator of Lemus Natural Medicine, a unique individualized natural medicine modality that utilizes scientific and laboratory data.


If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at Lemus Natural Medicine where natural medicine is the official medicine!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purposes only. Some statements may not have been evaluated by the FDA. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your qualified healthcare provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.

Before taking vitamins, consult your healthcare provider, as pre-existing medical conditions, or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.

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